excess deaths

470 days ago

Jacinda Arden quits before ousted, the liberal left applaud her & lie: she is a totalitarian with covid blood on her hands

Jon Sopel, his former colleagues at the BBC, the Euro loon Femi, the whole of the liberal elite are applauding ghastly Jacinda Ardern for stepping down “on a high” as Prime Minister of New Zealand today. It is almost as “brave” as when Phil Schofield came out as gay just as his 17 year old bunk-up/work junior was going to out him to a tabloid.  The reality is that Ardern’s party is now trailing in the polls and its ratings are tanking fast. Defeat in the October Election is inevitable and that is why Ardern is quitting, whatever little Sopel says below. But what of her record on, say, covid where the liberal left applauded her for the most draconian lockdown in the world, bar North Korea.  Here are the facts and they do not make for good reading:


852 days ago

The Swedish excess death data that shows why Chris Whitty et al should not be knighted but should be on trial for murder

As we enter 2022, here in Airstrip One, The Ministry of Truth and its big corporate media allies such as LinkedIn will not, as I discovered to my cost the other day, allow anyone to challenge the GroupThink narrative on the scamdemic. And thus we must all don our face masks and bang our pans to celebrate the Knighthoods for Chris Whitty, Jonathan Van Tam, Jenny Harries et al.  Do not, whatever you do, mention the S word: Sweden.
